For A Better You

Why Relaxation Should Be Part of Your Routine

Key Takeaway

In this article, we give helpful tips on how readers can properly relax and replenish their energy after a long day of working from home.

Working from home has its pros and cons for everyone. Though it saves us a lot of time now that we don't have to wake up early and spend hours on the road commuting to and from work, it also makes it difficult for some to draw the line between working and resting. We may feel as if we are obligated to do more even after our working hours just because we still have "time," which causes the struggle for many to take the necessary break that they need to recharge.

With the excessive push that we give ourselves, we may sometimes feel that we don't have the energy to work properly and deem this as "laziness". When in fact, we're just worn out and on the brink of burnout. With the confusing and hectic lifestyle that we have developed in the course of this new normal, we may have forgotten how to press the pause button and relax.

"Sometimes, the most productive thing that you can do is relax." - Mark Black

We often underestimate the power of relaxation and think of it as laziness instead. When we continuously go without taking necessary breaks from working, we can compromise our productivity, and in return, we may catch ourselves giving the bare minimum instead. This is why incorporating relaxation into your daily routine and giving yourself the space to recover is important.

Here are some relaxation methods that you can do when you take a break away from work.

1. Meditate

Meditation is a type of mind-and-body complementary medicine that helps produce a deep state of relaxation. The practice aids in reducing stress by eliminating your negative emotions and tangled thoughts inside your head. It increases your self-awareness, patience, and creativity, which drive your productivity. But most importantly, by meditating, you get to manage health conditions caused by excessive stress as it helps in stabilizing your heart rate and blood pressure.

Some types of meditation that you can do are guided meditation, mantra meditation, mindfulness meditation, yoga, etc. Discover what suits your liking the most and allot a certain time in your day to meditate and relax.

2. Read a book

Keeping a habit of reading a book can be beneficial for both your physical and mental health. It helps you develop a vast vocabulary, strengthen your mind, and also reduce stress. Reading for a minimum time of 30 minutes can help lower your heart rate and blood pressure. This amount of time is also relatively short and easy to squeeze into your day.

To start, just grab a book that piques your interest. And devote at least the minimum time to read and destress your mind.

3. Write in your journal

Journaling helps you process your thoughts and feelings and have a better understanding of yourself. It helps manage your emotions and improve your mental health. It enables you to identify your negative thoughts, feelings, behaviors, concerns, and triggers and build ways to control them to reduce your stress level.

You can either do this in the morning to clear out your thoughts so you can start your day with a worry-free mind. Or do it instead at night before you sleep to help you manage and process the thoughts and emotions you had so you won’t be bothered as you finally put an end to your day.

4. Form a bedtime regimen

Sleep is the best way to reduce stress, but most of us overlook and neglect this as we get caught up with our life and everyday hustle. Having a proper and regular sleeping routine can help you cope with stress better and improve your concentration. It also allows you to be in a better mood to draw you away from feeling lethargic throughout your day.

It is also essential to create a restful environment within your home to help you sleep better. One good choice in priming up your sleep is by applying Salonpas to help you relieve body and muscle pain that you get from constantly working and being at your desk. With Salonpas, your body receives a cooling sensation that helps you relax and slide into a good slumber.

The need to keep up with work is just as necessary as taking a break and allowing yourself to rest. The more you focus solely on it, the more you will compromise the performance that you give in return. Though it may take a while for you to find the balance between working and resting in this new normal, you must not forget that relaxation is vital for the overall goodness of your well-being. Allow yourself to rest, relax, and recover. — (TGM)

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