For A Better You

Workspace Design 101: How to Create a Space that Supports You

Key Takeaway

In this article, we provide helpful tips and tricks for moms, creatives, and multitaskers at home to improve their respective workspace.

A designated home office is essential for those working from home. But having one that's fully functional and completely distraction-free can be hard to achieve. As cozy as your home can be, it doesn't necessarily mean it's also the best place to work.

For parents with kids to think about or creatives whose flow can be easily disrupted, working at home can be quite a daunting task. Some may have even stashed away their dream workspace altogether. But everyone deserves to have a special place of their own. When you work in an environment that lets you thrive, it allows you to perform in your best shape and form. Here are a few ways for moms, creatives, and multitaskers can carve and create a workspace for the support they need.

Working with kids? Create a space for two.

Parents may often run into the dilemma of choosing between work and family. But it doesn't always have to be that way. It may take some work, but it's possible to excel in your career responsibilities while not sacrificing much of your quality time with family. If you're working from home, one trick is to design your home office where your kids can also get productive on their own.

While you're dealing with clients and deliverables, they can focus on their homework or other projects. Set up an activity corner in the room and keep their tools readily available with a cubbyhole.

Creative block? Design a space that inspires you.

If you're a creative or visual thinker who's been confined at home, it can become especially tricky to fill up your imaginative fuel. With limited travel and social distancing, a simple change of scenery can become a trial to fulfill. But you don't need to travel far to recharge your creative juices.

Set up a music playlist to prompt you with ideas and engage your senses. Bring some life back into your space by welcoming some natural light and a few plants as company. You can also paint your walls a different color and personalize as you see fit. You might find redecorating as a pleasant pause in your day-to-day routine. Changing up your usual coffee may also work to bring a bit of novelty to your daily routine. Have you heard of the Malaysian coffee brand Chek Hup? You can try a hot cup, or a cold glass if you'd prefer, of their robust Chek Hup King blended with the golden ratio of Arabica and Robusta beans. You'd revel in its intoxicating bold aroma.

Want to stay laser-focused? Keep it bare and minimal.

Your home is already abuzz with distractors. At least in your personal area, you're in full control. And if you desire to deliver the best performance, you're off to a good start by optimizing your home office.

To reign in your focus, it's best to declutter and keep your area to its bare essentials. If you're easily tempted to check social media and fiddle with your gadgets, you can also designate a separate drawer where you can keep them out of sight while working. Set up a corkboard you can prop up on your desk to track your agenda and weekly goals. You can also organize your to-do list a day before so you can begin your next workday ready-to-go. To supplement your mental sharpness, drink a glass of Berocca Performance in the morning to keep you in your best shape throughout the day.

Making time to arrange a conducive and personalized home office is beyond the aesthetic benefit. More so, it's a vital aspect of your success. Without a designated space for you to move and think freely, you'll struggle to find the flow you need to finish the work at hand. As difficult as it is to carve a space that's entirely for you, it's one that you should try either way. Go ahead and find the best space for you today and take these essentials from The Goodwill Market for your much-needed support. — (TGM)

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