Health & Fitness

No Sugar and Less Sweet Options? Yes, Please!

Key Takeaway

Going on a diet need not mean giving up on your favorite food completely.

Looking to lay off the pounds? Desiring to make a change for the better? The most common piece of advice to lose weight is to give up sugar that’s added to food to make it more palatable. According to an article produced by Harvard Medical School, the more sugar you ingest, the higher the risk for “high blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease.”

The National Health Service (NHK) of the United Kingdom even went as far as saying that “overeating sugar can make you gain weight and can also cause tooth decay.” Suffice it to say, lessening the sugar in your diet will lead to a better overall disposition.

That’s easier said than done, though; almost all the food that we enjoy makes extensive use of sugar. From delectable desserts, delicious sweets, and even the piquant sauces that we add to our favorite meals, all these contain added sugars!

Going on a diet does not necessarily mean giving up on all our favorites. After all, a sudden change to our habit is more difficult to sustain and may even lead to giving up on our efforts. That’s why we believe in a more realistic pursuit of betterment — the one that we can abide by without depriving ourselves of life’s great joys.

For those who find immense pleasure in sipping a satisfying cup of coffee or tea, we wholeheartedly recommend replacing your sugar-laced brew with this rewarding alternative — Chek Hup. This brand got its claim to fame by offering a wide selection of drinks that feels good and tastes even better. It turns out, the secret to the immense palatability of their offerings comes from using premium rock sugar instead of natural sweeteners.

Before Chek Hup garnered international acclaim, the brand focused its efforts on perfecting their own recipe for superior rock sugar. It starts with the crystallization process, which eliminates the impurities that are inherent in regular sugar.

After this step, fine premium-grade rock sugar is formed. Chek Hup then uses this product to give coffee and tea beverages a smooth texture, a balanced sweetness, and a cleaner overall taste.

Capturing the right taste is no easy feat. Different roasts of coffee and variants of tea each call for a diverse blend. To create a consistently delicious cup, Chek Hup formulated what they call “The Golden Ratio.”

This process involves adding the exact amount of rock sugar, creamer, and coffee or tea. Each formulation is then meticulously inspected to ensure quality and uniformity. Once the product passes all the tests, the batches are then sealed securely, packed into their own individual airtight packets, and distributed to a trustworthy store near you.

The product that comes from this “Golden Ratio” formulation is nothing short of spectacular. While all variants from Chek Hup are exceptional in their own right, two specific selections are worth considering for their less than average sugar content.

Chek Hup 3 in 1 Coffee Less Sweet

This variant is famous among Chek Hup’s loyal fan-base as the one to get when the craving for a moderately sweetened coffee drink. Made with medium-roasted coffee beans and a noticeably lessened sweetness level, Chek Hup 3 in 1 Coffee Less Sweet gives you an enjoyable experience without feeling like you’re on a restrictive diet.

The golden ratio of Arabica and Robusta beans, combined with the low glycemic index (GI) rock sugar, comes together to make an enchanting blend.

Chek Hup 2 in 1 Coffee No Sugar

If you are absolutely cutting off all vestiges of added sugar from your diet, you can still enjoy a great cup of coffee by preparing Chek Hup 2 in 1 Coffee No Sugar. The dark-roasted coffee beans are the star of the show; the full-bodied taste will fulfill your coffee craving without the sugary distraction.

And if you change your mind and prefer adding a little bit of Chek Hup’s low GI rock sugar, this variant has that packet added separately. You can customize the sweetness level to your heart’s content.

Lessening your sugar intake is one of the best things you can do for your health this summer.

Chances are you’ll knock off a few pounds by limiting the sugary substances that you used to eat before daily. But to make this change sustainable, we suggest that you still enjoy some pleasures, albeit responsibly. With the options presented by Chek Hup, you can pursue a life with less sugar in a satisfyingly sweet system. Cheers to that. — (TGM)

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