For A Better You

Make Extraordinary Moments with Fruit Me Up

The current situation has allowed us to spend more time at home with our loved ones. But with work and school getting in the way, for the most part, we only get to be with our families during mealtimes. Everyone gathers by the dinner table, talks, laugh, and unwind after a long day. Ideally, it is also the time where the family gets to share their daily happenings and listen to the experiences of the elderly.

But more often than not, we get too busy with multiple tasks, get caught up with our lives, and become too focused on what's happening online. Most children are also preoccupied with playing their favorite games instead during downtimes like these. That is why it should be a priority to remind ourselves of the importance of allotting ample time for our family.

Eating meals together is a famous Filipino tradition that brings the whole family closer. With this simple get-together, you feel a sense of belongingness and find the true essence of how a family should be. So besides putting these distractions away, here is how you can turn family bondings and mealtimes into something your kids can look forward to every day.

Here's Fruit Me Up

Keeping your kids' enthusiasm over mealtimes and even family bondings is now easier with Fruit Me Up! Originating from France, Fruit Me Up is made of natural blended fruits suitable to your children's health needs. Not only that, it has no added sugar, preservative, flavoring, and coloring. It also contains Vitamin C and fiber that help in building your children's immune system.

Aside from these health benefits, Fruit Me Up also offers a unique experience of eating fruits. It comes with various flavors, namely: Mango Banana Passion Fruit, Apple Banana, Soursop Apple, and Strawberry Pink Guava, that will surely make all kids excited.

Fruit Me Up comes in convenient-to-carry pouches, which makes it simple for kids to bring and eat anytime and anywhere. Incorporating fruits into your kids' diet and meals becomes struggle-free as they enjoy each sip of Fruit Me Up.

Jotted down are some ways you can spend time with your loved ones while having everyone's drink of choice!

Unleash your creative side through painting

The most predominant way to show your creativity is through painting. Involving ourselves in some art activities with our loved ones helps in emanating positive thoughts. Art is not only about expressing yourself, but you also get to communicate with others, even on an emotional level. Level up that artist in you with Soursop Apple. This unique flavor is perfect for the talented and artistic kids in the family.

Read a book together and have a space for discussion

Besides the many health benefits of reading a book, creating a special bond between family members is done with these open spaces. Spaces for dialogue allow one to share their imagination, have fruitful conversations, and learn from everyone's insights. And while all are sharing their book favorites and learnings, have some Strawberry Pink Guava.

Initiate a fun bake-off

Baking alone already excites a lot of people. It is an everyday pastime activity while at home, but having a bake-off may give a fun-filled twist in your kitchen. Show everyone's talent in baking while drinking some Apple Banana. A balance of sweet and sour taste fits the characteristics of the mature yet reliable siblings of the family.

Don't forget to set your family in teams, as it will allow teamwork and creativity to flourish. Moreover, create a carefree environment where everyone is encouraged to simply enjoy and do whatever they want.

Exercise daily as a family

Health has always been the top priority of every family, even before the pandemic. But during these times, everyone became busier with their responsibilities. Some of us may have been going to the gym or are enrolled in various wellness classes. In fact, exercising for some turned into a need more than a want.

With that, begin your daily exercise by inviting others to put their gadgets aside for at least an hour. And before you start your family jog, energize with Mango Banana Passion Fruit. This sweet taste makes it ideal for both young and old alike. By having some fruity drink, you get to turn a simple activity into something you are motivated to do every day.

Allot Friday nights for movies

Kickstart your weekend with some Friday movie night. Don't forget to prepare all of the flavors of Fruit Me Up to keep your kids (and kids at heart!) excited and entertained! Having family time like this may allow your children to feel that interacting with other people creates good memories. Thus, building the confidence they need in life.

It is indeed true when someone says that even the simplest activities bring special moments. Because at the end of the day, what will truly matter is having more time to be with your family. And that is how simple moments become extraordinary ones. With Fruit Me Up, you have the power in your hands to turn bonding times into an exciting and memorable family moment that you can cherish for a long time. — (TGM)

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These are the products mentioned in this article

Fruit Me Up Mango Banana Passion Fruit 90gms (Bundle of 4)


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Fruit Me Up Apple Banana 90gms (Bundle of 4)


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Fruit Me Up Soursop Apple 90gms (Bundle of 4)


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Fruit Me Up Strawberry Pink Guava 90gms (Bundle of 4)


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