For A Better You

Celebrating Our 2nd Anniversary With 10 Steps Toward Better Living

From deciding for a better life and for continuously making better choices, The Goodwill Market has been with you every step of the way towards making improvements in your lifestyle.

We have delivered products that transform your life, supports your wellness, and helps you resist stress. Products that have left you feeling delighted and prompted you to make better choices.

As we celebrate The Goodwill Market’s second anniversary, let us acknowledge the #BetterChoices you have made for yourself and your loved ones. More so, we want to share a simple guide on how you can further improve your lifestyle into a healthier and sustainable one.

With this, we’ve curated a “one-year plan” to help you transform your lifestyle. It consists of ten ways, and together, they make up for a practical step-by-step guide that starts with taking care of yourself.

1. Spend time for self-care

To improve yourself, you can start by simply being mindful of your personal needs. Self-care is an individual practice of managing your health to improve your overall well-being. It is the pursuit of integrated wellness and the things you do that bring a sense of fulfillment and enjoyment to you.

Self-care also helps you attain a balance in terms of the dimensions of well-being in your life, such as your mental health, physical health, and emotional health. It helps you build a better and healthy relationship with yourself that also transmits to others in the forms of gratitude, kindness, and compassion.

2. Start an exercise routine

From taking care of yourself and overall wellness, we proceed in looking after your physical health through exercising.

Even through the weeks where you have loads of tasks to do, you can start an exercise routine by allotting a small portion of your day for any moderate to intense physical activity. It can be as short as ten to fifteen minutes, as long it fits your lifestyle and can easily be maintained.

Regularly exercising helps improve your physical fitness. It also allows you to maintain and manage your weight which prevents and reduces your risk of developing serious medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression.

Other benefits of regular exercising include a boost in your energy, better brain health, and emotional well-being. It has overall health benefits that allow you to feel better about yourself, both physically and mentally.

3. Find your creative outlet

Creativity is like food for your soul. It makes you feel fulfilled, satisfied, and happy. It relieves you from troubling emotions and thoughts and helps you express them uniquely and artistically.

Whether you’re artistically inclined and likes to draw, write, or paint, or you simply like crocheting, knitting, or creating things from scratch, finding your creative outlet helps enhance your mental and emotional well-being. It also improves your cognitive health and enables you to relax your mind and be mindful instead.

Dabbling in creative works also allows you to develop certain skills such as critical thinking, the ability to communicate better, decision-making skills, and empathy towards others. It also builds your confidence, giving a sense of self-satisfaction and making you feel good about yourself.

4. Set your dream destination

Fuel yourself with motivation and be inspired as you set out your goals and dream destination in life. Whether it is an actual place you desire to be in or a metaphor of where you want to be in life in the future, setting your goals will help you stay focused and grounded on your mission to improve yourself and your life.

Setting out your goals gives you a sense of control over your life. It gives you a sense of direction with the plan that you have so you wouldn’t just aimlessly go through life in a go-with-the-flow manner.

It also allows you to feel satisfied with yourself as you notice your capabilities and full potential as a person. It will also give you a purpose in life where you center your goals to help you feel inspired and determined to make and give room for changes and improvement in your life.

5. Keep yourself cozy at home

With crazy work weeks and loads of tasks to do, it’s easy to brush off and ignore the importance of relaxation to keep yourself from completely burning out. Accomplishing your tasks is just as important as taking a break and time off from your responsibilities.

Relaxing is a form of self-care that has numerous benefits that could help improve your overall health. It helps slow down your heart rate and blood pressure and reduces the risks of stroke. It also lessens the feelings of stress and frustration and helps you feel more calm and grounded.

Relaxation also helps you have a clear mind that allows you to develop a positive mindset and have better concentration. It also provides cognitive health benefits that help in sharpening your memory and honing your decision-making skills.

6. Shop items that make you happy

One of the things that can help change the outlook you have in life is by making an effort to treat yourself with items that make you curve out a smile. With a conscious mind, it is a good practice to reward yourself with purchases that you desire once in a while to relieve you from sad feelings and help brighten up your day.

Retail therapy relieves you from negative emotions such as stress and anxiety. Apart from that, it also helps you develop decision-making skills that enable you to make proper and moderate purchases without overdoing them.

One particular and common reason why there is a tendency to resort to retail therapy is feelings of powerlessness. When you’re given the choice of whether to make a purchase or not to make a purchase, it makes you feel empowered and gives you a sense of control over your life and environment.

7. Do something you’re passionate about

Passion drives you to achieve your goals. It sparks your happiness and gives you purpose. The more you feel passionate, the more you will find yourself having an optimistic mindset and better outlook in life that can help you make a change and achieve the success that you desire.

Investing in something you have a burning passion for also allows you to acquire and develop new skills. Being passionate about something encourages you to learn more and be at your full potential.

Passion also gives you a sense of hope and happiness that makes you look forward to life. It motivates you to work hard and move forward to achieve your goals and see what the future has in store for you.

8. Engage in an outdoor activity

With the new lifestyle that the world has recently grown into, it’s easy to get lost within your hectic and continuous work life while being cooped up inside your home. Engaging in outdoor activities is a great way for a change of scenery and let yourself relax and breathe for your peace of mind.

Outdoor activities can be done within the comforts of your home—in your backyard, garage, or if you have a spacious terrace. It can also be as simple as taking a short walk, run, bicycle ride within the safe bounds of your area.

Exposing yourself to natural light, even for a minimum time of fifteen minutes, helps in improving your mood. It helps in reducing stress and any negative emotions. You also get a good dose of vitamin D that protects you from illnesses such as heart attack, osteoporosis, and depression.

9. Prepare a meal for your family

One way you can change your life for the better is by making time to be with your family and creating a harmonious and loving environment within your home. Planning and preparing a hearty meal to enjoy together can be a good way to improve and have a more positive relationship with one another.

Family meals make the perfect time to catch up and properly communicate with each other. It also helps reduce any feelings of stress and anxiety of any member of the family who might be experiencing it.

It also makes for the perfect opportunity to teach and set good behaviors and practices for your kids. It even improves certain aspects of their lives, such as academic performance and social well-being.

10. Host a party

Whether in person or virtually, hosting a party is always a good idea to connect to your friends and family. Especially in this new normal with the protocols, social distancing, and limited outdoor access that needs to be observed, it is important to take the time to connect yourselves to your loved ones and spend some quality time with them.

Hosting a party helps you foster your relationships with your loved ones, giving a long-term health benefit, especially for your mental and emotional well-being. It also enables you to overcome social anxiety and hones your social skills as you put yourself out there as the host and organizer of the party.

It helps you develop your organizing skills and encourages you to be generous and be more mindful of your loved ones. It makes you cherish your relationship and connection with them, which is important in maintaining good and stable mental and overall health.

For the past two years, we have always been grateful and honored to serve and help you make better choices. As we embark on a new year, we are more happy and eager to give you the best and continue catering to your needs to achieve a better life.

Thank you for always choosing The Goodwill Market as your partner in making better choices.— (TGM)

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